Archive for November 2009

Introducing: The Lounge Log

November 9th, 2009 — 12:59am

My mate Charles Blumer designed the Lounge Log as part of his final project in Design at COFA. We photographed it at the Centennial hotel.  Special thanks to the manager, Amanda for giving us the space for a couple hours, all for the cost of a few gin and tonics and a sit on the Log.


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November 1st, 2009 — 10:09pm

In spring 2009 I went through a pretty serious bout of depression.  Well, at the time, being a guy, an athletic guy, with manly athletic friends, I didn’t realize it was depression.  I tried to play it down and hold it in and dealt with it by ignoring it.

It didn’t work.

What did work was going to my doctor and discussing it with her.  She was great, and it was as if she’d heard it all before and knew exactly how to help me with it.  She referred me to two websites.


I have a lot to thank these two sites for, and it seemed that the least I could do was grow a mustache and try to raise some awareness and money for helping men suffering from depression.

Thanks internet cognitive therapy sites.

Anyway, I’ve decided to grow a mustache in Movember to help, here’s my donation page:

and here’s a link to my daily pic of my mo:

Any help would be great.


This is me the night before Movember started.

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